Wednesday, August 27, 2008

More Hostile Takeovers in Pharma?

Anne Law asked an interesting question in her blog, "Will hostile takeovers become the norm for drugmakers? You can read her blog here.
The truth is.....It looks like there will be a continued shake-out in the industry. The Pharmaceutical industry is in the midst of a very dynamic period as the established players in Big Pharma look for ways to generate revenues now that the traditional "Blockbuster" model no longer works. The industry is starting to feel the competitive pressures that other industries have been dealing with for decades.
But the fact remains the Pharma industry is still remains one of the strongest industries out there.
And when I complain about the state of the Pharma industry to friends of mine who recruit for other industries, they laugh and tell me they would gladly swap their Recruiting Firm for mine. They say that while the Pharma industry is hitting some bumps in the road, the problems Pharma is facing pale in comparison to the problems plaguing other industries.
More on this topic later.....

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Preparing for Layoffs

Joann Lublin over at the Wall Street Journal had a great article earlier this week about how to handle rumors of an impending lay-off. The short version of the article is this: Be Prepared.
Great article...and timely advice.