Sunday, March 16, 2008

Step out of your comfort zone

Liz Handlin over at Ultimate Resumes Blog has an interesting post today entitled: Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone May Lead You to the Job of Your Dreams. You can read the entire post here.
In the post Liz discusses the recent experience of one of her clients and what he did to step out of his comfort zone. Liz writes:
"There is a saying that if you keep doing what you have always done you will get the same results that you have always gotten. The opposite is also true: if you do something different than what you have done before you will probably get different results. In the past, C [her client] took a more passive approach to his career which was pretty easy since his skills got him promoted regularly. Now, he is aggressively pursuing options that he is choosing for himself and he can't believe the results he has gotten so far."
Liz is right. Sometimes, in order to really get to the level we desire, not only in our careers but in our lives in general, we need to force ourselves to get out of our ruts...our comfort zones...and try something new.

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