Monday, January 26, 2009

Geron's Embryonic Stem Cell Trial - Not exactly what the Media is touting

The FDA just approved the first human trial embryonic stem cell derived based treatment.
Geron Corp. has announced that the FDA approved its application to begin trials for an embryonic stem cell -derived treatment for spinal cord injuries.

The media is playing up this development as evidence of a 'Brave New World' with regards to Stem Cell research....that we are at the cusp of new research using Embryonic Stem Cells, and that the new Obama administration is shepherding in this new era in Research. wrote:

The change has already begun. Just two days after his inauguration, President Barack Obama is set to clear the way for the first human testing of embryonic stem cells on people with spinal injuries, and biopharmaceutical firms like Geron are set to benefit.

Yet the facts say otherwise.

According to an L.A. Times article, even Dr. Thomas Okarma, Geron's CEO,...'the timing of the FDA's decision -- made late Wednesday but announced Friday by the company -- had nothing to do with the change of administrations in Washington....."We have no evidence that there was any political shadow over this process." '

Even more important according to Dr. David van Gend, National Director of Australians for Ethical Stem Cell Research, is the fact that Embryonic Stem Cells (ESC's) are not:

"....being given to patients at last. They are not. They never have been and never can be put into humans, because embryonic stem cells form tumors in animals. Only adult stem cells can be put into humans – and have been used now successfully in thousands of patients.”

Further reading shows that what Geron is actually doing is testing to see if their "hESC-derived oligodendrocyte progenitor cells that have demonstrated remyelinating and nerve growth stimulating properties leading to restoration of function in animal models of acute spinal cord injury", actually works in humans.
Again the distinction is important.....they are not injecting actual ESC's into people....the cells are actually derived from ESC's.

So while the research Geron is conducting is absolutely exciting and is not exactly what the Media is touting....

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