Sunday, February 22, 2009

Thomas Friedman - Invest in Biotech, Nanotech and Clean Tech

Thomas Friedman has a great piece in yesterday's NY Times. In a nutshell, Friedman thinks we should not be bailing out the economy's losers. Friedman writes:

"Our motto should be, 'Start-ups, not bailouts: nurture the next Google, don’t nurse the old G.M.’s.'"

Friedman elaborates his point when he writes:

"Yes, we have to shore up the banking system, which underpins everything; and finding a fair way to prevent hardworking people, who played by the rules, from losing their homes to foreclosure is both right and essential for stability. But beyond that, let’s think, talk and plan in more aspirational ways. We’re down, but we’re not out. As we invest taxpayer money, let’s do it with an eye to starting a new generation of biotech, info-tech, nanotech and clean-tech companies, with real innovators, real 21st-century jobs and potentially real profits for taxpayers."

Phenomenal stuff...and as usual Friedman is spot on in his assessment of what we need to do as we move forward to the Next Economy.

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