Saturday, June 20, 2009

Nobel laureate Richard J Roberts says "Future is in Biotech"

The recent economic woes have cast a pall over a wide swath of industries. The Pharmaceutical and Biotech industries have been particularly hard hit this time.
And for the first time in my 18 years as a Recruiter, I actually have candidates asking me how to transition out of the Pharma/Biotech fields.

But not everyone is despondent about the prospects for the industry.

Nobel laureate Richard J Roberts opines here that "The futures lies in Biotech."

Roberts says that despite the current economic woes, now is the best time to be in the industry. Roberts goes on to say:

"Recession is the right time for this because there are no competitors. The early bird always gets the worm....We still know very little about biology and the mechanisms of life. So this provides us with a huge opportunity to focus on areas that humanity needs most. Far from being a negative factor, the recession has provided us with an opportunity to plan and consolidate better."

Roberts adds that the "key thrust areas where the biotech industry can catch up are genetically-modified food, bio-energy, stem cell research, synthetic biology and personalised medicine."

Personally I think Roberts is right on the mark. The future for Biotech still burns brightly.

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